
26 March, 2020.

Being stuck at home means I’m finding myself catching up on tasks I would normally avoid like… well, maybe “like the plague” would seem too much like a pun in poor taste, so let’s just say that these are jobs I tend to conveniently overlook on a day-to-day basis.

Things like cleaning out the fridge.

But hey! The interior of the fridge sparkles now… just stay away from the trash can.


  1. adirondackoutlaw.com · March 26, 2020

    I take all that stuff, skim off the mold, throw it in the crock pot, throw in an extra heavy dose of spices and a can of tomatoes, give it all a good stir, and make “Garbage can chili”. Raised 3 kids on it! True story. And they are all still alive to tell it!

  2. Michael Scandling · March 26, 2020


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